Invigorise | Health and Wellness Coaching

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What does 'wellness' mean to you?

If you are reading this then welcome to our very first blog post. 

If you are new to our network then you have likely just made your first move towards ‘feeling better’.  

You may not even have realised yet, but something amazing is about to happen…

You are about to become Invigorised ✨

My name is Sarah Helen and I set up my wellness coaching practice Invigorise, to help you with your eating, exercise, stress and sleep behaviours.


Well, when we talk about wellness at Invigorise we are talking about ‘how you feel’ and I don’t just mean right now or this morning I mean ‘in general’ or day to day.

Most of us don’t ever ask ourselves that question….

“How do I feel?” 

We just plod along through life, trying to do the best we can each day, but it never quite feels that it’s enough.

Your wellness is basically ‘how you feel’, and if you don’t feel so great, day to day, then we want to help you change that.

But it’s not that easy, there are numerous things to think about that all interplay together in how we ‘feel’

Now, if you’re worried about being overweight and your clothes don’t fit anymore, you may feel like you need to go on a diet. 

However, we are here to challenge that belief, because dieting is pretty unsuccessful for long term weight loss for most people, men and women. Why? because restricting foods you love just makes you feel miserable, and actually in studies it’s been shown to increase appetite, and therefore weight gain…

You’ve tried, had some success, but mostly failed…

If you really want to, or know that you need to do more exercise, you may have joined the gym or attempted some online classes or apps. However, now you really struggle to find the motivation to keep it up, you feel terrible about wasting all that money each month, or for failing to see through it…

You’ve tried, had some success, but mostly failed…

Perhaps you are feeling totally overwhelmed with your home, your job, your partner or your children… Nothing seems to go right, it’s one thing after another and you feel anxious and on edge most days... You relieve your stress by flaking out on the sofa, cuddling the biscuit tin, knowing you want to change but life has taken over…

You’ve tried, had some success but mostly failed…

Or you just can’t escape feeling tired most days, you wake up feeling ok but by the time you’ve guzzled your third cup of coffee to bring yourself into what you classify as a normal state, you’re already wondering how you’ll make it through the day, zapped of energy...

Bedtime seems like a long way away and then when it does come around you have a sudden urge to check your phone a gazillion times, or lose yourself in Netflix until 1am, switching off peacefully is not an option…

You’ve tried, had some success but mostly failed…


If any or all of these sound familiar, you probably just want to ‘feel better’, not just ‘now and again’ but in general - day to day. 

You want to feel well… You want an abundance of wellness, you want to change that feeling that you failed (you most definitely are NOT a failure btw)

We have the answers, and we will ensure you never feel like this again!

So tell me, by hitting ‘reply’ or leave a comment on the post – ‘what does wellness mean to you?’

I just want to reassure you if you made it this far, you are even closer to ‘feeling better’.

I’ll see you soon!

Big love

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