What are health behaviours?

Health behaviours are actions, habits and behavioural patterns which lead to maintaining, restoring or improving health. These include our diet, so what we eat and drink, how much activity we do from walking to exercise, trying to stop smoking or reducing how much alcohol we drink. They also include adherence to medication, attending regular screenings and getting immunised, as well as regular dental visits and how well we manage stress.

Why are these important?

There is now a huge amount of scientific research to show that unhealthy behaviours can directly influence and increase our risk of developing chronic disease and conditions, such as Obesity, Type 2 diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Stroke, and numerous Cancers. Most health behaviours are modifiable, and with the right support and lifestyle changes can help prevent or reduce the adverse effects of these conditions. 

What sort of problems can Invigorise help with?

We help you to set clear goals on what it is you want to change, and then support you to implement those changes using a range of evidence based cognitive behavioural techniques. Goals can include, but are not exclusive to, eating a better diet, trying a new exercise, help with losing weight, being able to live in the moment more, learn how to relax or switch off, help with coping with an illness or reduce alcohol intake. If there is anything else you would like help with please discuss this with your coach who will be happy to help, and if we can't help we can refer you to someone who can.

How will I know if it works?

After your initial consultation we'll recommend a suggested timeframe for coaching based on your individual requirements. You can help decide how you would like to be assessed. We can also measure accurately pre and post BMI, weight, and how you feel before and after. We also really value your feedback so do please let us know how we are doing.

What does evidence based actually mean?

Evidence based means Invigorise strives to bring you a service which is based on the latest scientific research, and integrated clinical expertise and training. We work collaboratively with other health and clinical psychologists, dieticians, nutritionists and fitness experts, to bring you fact based knowledge. This is delivered through our website and social media channels in an easy to understand format, which you can try out and give it a go.

Any other questions?

Please use the contact form if you have any other questions you would like to ask. We look forward to working with you.